Protest Poster

Artist's Statement: I decided to protest Teachers’ Unions. It is easy to argue that we want the best possible teach...

Artist's Statement:

I decided to protest Teachers’ Unions. It is easy to argue that we want the best possible teachers in the classrooms educating the youth of America. But Teachers’ Unions primary focus is on the teachers, and not the students being taught. Teachers’ Unions protect even bad teachers. The concern isn’t for the best quality education, but to ensure that all teachers, even poor ones, keep their jobs.

Education in the United States is definitely faltering compared to other countries. We are in need of a change in the educational system, but Teachers’ Unions are standing in the way. According to, a campaign against Teachers’ Unions, 1 out of 57 doctors loses their license to practice medicine, and 1 out of 97 lawyers lose their license to practice law. Yet only about 1 out of 1000 teachers loses their teaching license. Tenure protects teachers, yet tenure isn’t necessarily earned because of their hard work or being good at what they do. These stats illustrate how detrimental Teachers’ Unions are.

I believe teachers should be hired and fired based on if they are good teachers or not. I think I feel strongly about this because my siblings and I have had experience with bad teachers. One of my sisters told me that her teacher doesn’t care if they misspell words or use poor grammar in their writing. She says they only care about if their writing is interesting, persuasive, etc. She hasn’t learned so many of the basic skills, like penmanship and typing, that I learned in elementary school. Additionally, the principal at my little sister’s elementary school consistently uses poor grammar in writing and speech. I worry that some teachers aren’t following the best teaching methods, and the kids are becoming consistently less proficient in the basics. The future of America truly does lie in quality of education obtained by the rising generation.

I represented my views on Teachers’ Unions in my poster by portraying a bad teacher. I showed that it was in fact a bad teacher by writing “2+2=5” on the chalkboard. I put a fence around the bad teacher to show that he is protected and nothing can touch him. I felt this adequately showed that I am against teachers’ unions.

I posted this protest poster to a social media platform, and also on my normal life blog. I got a few responses to it. People said they could understand what I was trying to say. They agree that teachers unions are protecting bad teachers, and maybe even hindering good ones. Some said the barbed wire seemed a little harsh, like maybe people in teachers’ unions should be arrested. That isn’t exactly what I was trying to say, but the idea of being against teachers’ unions is there. 

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